We are a group of concerned Hayes Township (Charlevoix County) residents who have formed a political action committee because we are concerned about financial problems, disregard for following the laws, and other troubling issues with the current Board of Trustees.  This November there will be five Township positions up for election: supervisor, treasurer, clerk, and two trustees. We think it is urgent that there be a change in Township leadership, and we hope you will join us.

We endorse the following talented people running for office against the current board. Scroll down. VOTE ON NOVEMBER 5!

Download our latest newsletters.

October Newsletter

September Newsletter

See Hayes Board pretend to buy fire truck it already owned, and VanZee lie he was reimbursed.

Bill Conklin, for Supervisor (on the ballot, Republican)


Bill Conklin OUSTED Ron Van Zee, winning the August primary election. We are so thrilled that a competent legal professional is on the ballot who will lead our new Board, bring back professionalism, conduct township business openly, respect the residents, and who will prioritize the legalities and obligations of the Township. 

But he needs competent board colleagues to do the job. In the November election, it is okay to cross party lines, and in fact, we want you to!

Watch our interview with Bill here.

Bill is an attorney who worked in private practice, representing families and small businesses, as an Administrative Law Judge for the State of Michigan’s Department of State, and even in construction, building houses for a few years, as well as in work with oil and gas abstracts. He and his wife Diane moved to Hayes Township in 2015 from Elmwood Township near Traverse City, where he witnessed exploding growth leading to congestion and a “bedroom community.” Bill wants to maintain the rural character of our community and is against the Township’s efforts to revise and weaken the zoning ordinance, and was against the approval of the Laws’ “boathouse.” He is a member of the Charlevoix Rod and Gun club. Bill would conduct township board meetings with integrity. He believes in independent thinking, with the whole board bringing together their own research and ideas. He sees the current board treating the residents with disrespect. He is opposed to the conflict of interest the Township currently has with the township supervisor also being the zoning administrator. Join us in voting for BILL CONKLIN on November 5.

Sherry Baker-McCary, for Treasurer (Write-in her name and fill in the oval)

Sherry Baker-McCary is running as a write-in candidate for treasurer. Watch our interview with Sherry here.

Sherry brings the right skills and experience to this role, having worked for 38 years for the Little Harbor Club, in Harbor Springs, as the bookkeeper and later office manager, responsible for accounts payable and payroll. Sherry has lived in Hayes Township for 39 years. A reason why she is running for office is because she loves Hayes Township, and the beauty and quiet peacefulness of our area. And when one is not happy with an organization, she explained, “you need to jump in and you need to be part of that organization to help it be better. And that’s how I feel about Hayes Township right now.” She feels there are a few things that are really upsetting, she would like to see everybody come back together, be respectful to each other, and she wants to “be the change that Hayes Township needs.” The recent Hayes Township audits indicating numerous improper and illegal procedures were alarming to her. With her vast experience and life’s work in accounting and bookkeeping, Sherry would bring Hayes Township’s financial procedures back to what it should be in following the state laws. In her work, she notes, her company was audited every year, and she has never seen an audit like the ones Hayes Township recently received. We are pleased that fellow Hayes resident SHERRY BAKER-McCARY has stepped up to run for office and serve the community. Join us in writing in a vote for SHERRY BAKER-McCARY on November 5.

Kevin Willis, for Trustee (Write-in his name and fill in the oval)

Kevin Willis is running as a write-in candidate for one of the two Trustee spots. Watch our interview with Kevin here.

Kevin Willis grew up in Bay Shore in Hayes Township and still lives there today. He has worked for over 25 years as the Chief Conservation Officer for Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, of which he is a member, and has strong law enforcement and environmental ethics. He has vast experience on other boards. Over thirty years ago, he was among the dozens of Bay Shore residents who intervened in the lawsuit a mining company had against the Township. He recently went back to court with fellow intervenors to enforce the provisions of the consent judgment to protect Bay Shore residents from the many harms of continued mining. Kevin was motivated to run for office after observing the lack of leadership and the misdeeds of the current board. His dedication to honest, open government, following the laws, and treating Hayes Township residents with respect is what makes Kevin Willis stand out for us and why we endorse him for TRUSTEE.

Join us in writing in a vote for KEVIN WILLIS on November 5.

Laura Ford, for Clerk (on the ballot, Democrat)

Laura Ford, running for Clerk. Watch our interview with Laura here.

Laura Ford has an extensive professional background in the health care field as a certified nurse practitioner and as a leader in various health care and community organizations. She has a PhD and teaches at the university level. She moved to Hayes Township one year ago, from the Kalamazoo area, after she retired from her medical practice. She spent her childhood summers on Torch Lake and wanted to live year-round in Northern Michigan. Upon her arrival in Hayes Township, Laura quickly became active in community organizations and activities including her church and the Community Pool.

We are impressed by Laura’s dedication to honest, open government, following the laws, listening to the residents, and her sense of duty to protect the health of the community. Her academic and scientific background gives her an edge in running the township’s business with accuracy, transparency, and competence. Laura’s promise, to make decisions based on careful research and review of the evidence, is what makes Laura Ford stand out for us and why we endorse her for CLERK.

Why we need new leadership

We believe the Board of Trustees should represent the best interests of ALL township residents. We have watched this Board’s problematic governing style, decision making, lack of transparency, and financial spending and accounting practices. That is why we formed this Political Action Committee. Our website and newsletters will inform you of Board and Township committee actions which are of concern and in some cases illegal. We are researching the issues using Township records, recommendations of the Michigan Township Association and Michigan laws.

Please come to as many Township meetings as you can. You can also attend by Zoom or watch them on our website (the Township does not post recordings, but we will.) For times, see the Township’s website at: www.hayestownshipmi.gov

We will report on the various controversies on our website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel. We plan to post short interviews with Township residents and also host live events. Please join our e-mail list!

E-mail: hayesvotersforchange@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Hayes_Voters_For_Change

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HayesVotersForChange

Issues in the Township

Recent Independent Audits of  Township Finances Cite Numerous Violations of Law and Negligence

Zoning Ordinance Fiasco Costs Thousands Over Four Years

Hayes Township Owes $98,027 to the City of Charlevoix

Township Allowed 5 More Years of Mining Rather Than Supporting the Health, Safety & Property Values of Bay Shore Residents

Township Violated Open Meetings Act When it Bought Fire Truck Prior to Board Meeting

Township Uses Taxpayer Money for Self-Promotional Newsletters

We need new leaders who are committed to following the law,

committed to transparency,

and who will listen to and protect the residents.

Other Issues

Hayes Township has been in the news and in court in the past few years for bad decisions by governmental officials. From poor financial practices, to allowing gravel mining to continue unabated, to allowing excavation of Lake Charlevoix’s shoreland for a private commercial resort, read more about some of the controversies.

Failed to file annual financial reports timely to the State for the past 5 years.

Failed to file required audits for 2020 and 2022 on time.

Due to the Township not filing audits timely, the Michigan Treasury Department required that Fiscal Year 2023 be audited, too. Expenses for the two audits was $25,000.

Supervisor Ron Van Zee fired the zoning administrator for no reason and hired himself in 2019, setting the stage for the Law Boathouse project which he then approved in violation of the Zoning Ordinance.

In 2019 when resident JoEllen Rudolph made a presentation to the Township Board that the 30+ year gravel mining case had reached its end point, the Board did nothing. Later in 2019, industrial zoning for gravel mine parcels was inserted into the Master Plan “future land use” map at the last minute. The plan was approved in the dead of winter 2020 on a Friday night.

Zoning Administrator Van Zee approved a boathouse and dining facility for 350 people for a corporate resort, over a planned excavated boat basin and channel in the Lake Charlevoix shoreland in 2020, violating the Zoning Ordinance. A corporate resort cannot be placed in a R-1 Residential zone. Then insisted his approval didn’t expire, again violating the Zoning Ordinance.

Planning Commission approved an excavation of the Shoreland Protection Strip for the Law boathouse/channel/boat basin project in 2019, then insisted its approval never expired, violating the Zoning Ordinance and opening up the Township to legal liability. (The Zoning Board of Appeals ruled in August 2022 that the Zoning Ordinance prohibits excavation of the shoreland for boat basins and channels).

The Township stalled a request by three residents for Interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance to the Zoning Board of Appeals about shoreland protection, expiration of permits, and appeals of zoning administrator determinations for nearly a year. This violated the Zoning Ordinance and the ZBA’s own Rules of Procedure, and deprived the residents of due process.

The Township Deputy Supervisor also served on the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Commission for one whole year, violating the one-board-member-only state law.

Planning Commission chair Roy Griffitts said at a ZBA hearing, that the landowner wanting to put in a boathouse/boat basin/channel was a “freaking multi-millionaire” who could do “whatever he damn well wants” because it’s private property. Despite this transgression, he was protected by the Board, reappointed to the Planning Commission and still voted in as the commission’s chair. The ZBA had to have new members appointed and the entire ZBA cases heard all over again, wasting more Township resources.

The Township violated election laws by not appointing Election Inspectors for the February 2024 primary by the February 6 deadline. The 3-member Elections Commission didn’t hold a meeting at all, as required. Instead, all 5 Board of Trustees members voted.

Hayes Township’s controversies have landed on the front page

Failed to file audits and annual financial reports: Audits reveal many violations of laws

Township failed Bay Shore residents in 2019 and 2023, allowing more mining

Violated Zoning Ordinance to permit Law Boathouse/event center for a commercial resort and excavation of shoreland for a boat basin and channel. Residents defeated the plan.

Follow us on YouTube

Hayes Voters For Change YouTube Channel

We will post Zoom recordings of Township meetings, interviews with candidates for office, and discussions about issues in the Township.

Check back frequently!



If you share our concerns, please consider making a donation to support our work to elect new Hayes Township Board members.

Hayes Voters For Change is a Political Action Committee registered with Charlevoix County. 

We are only taking checks at this time. We hope to have an online payment option available soon.